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Product Code:  LT350-BOSI-OEM​
Product Availability: Pre-Order
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THE LT350 OPTICAL BELT SCANNER is the most cost effective non-contact optical belt scanner on the market only from Linktek Systems.


THE LT350-BOSI-OEM MODULE  provide our OEM system design customers with a solution that offers low cost and maximum flexibility with integration to meet their system requirements. The module includes all the standard features such as a keypad, graphics display and our standard controller in a protective aluminum bezel housing - ready for any panel installation. The LT350-BOSI-OEM provides indication of material rate, total weight, belt load and belt speed of bulk solids materials on a belt conveyor. A speed sensor monitors conveyor belt speed for input to the integrator.

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REPORT GENERATOR BUILT-IN  The LT350-BOSI automatically calculates daily and monthly totals for up to 12 months available in graphics display or printed reports. This unique and powerful function allows for instant tracking of your valued commodity, to instantly track and compare productivity and yield. The LT350-BOSI records statistical data for up to 12 months on a day to day basis and can display data summaries in graphics format as well as to print report summaries to an attached printer

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